External speakers

External speakers

Our speakers are at your disposal, by appointment, to help you improve your well-being; whether in terms of food, lifestyle, emotional or mental ... Do not hesitate to ask us for advice!


Corinne, coach en nutrition

Corinne est non seulement un fin cordon bleu mais pratique aussi la réflexologie plantaire et palmaire, ainsi que la méthode ACCESS BARS®.
Pour plus de renseignements :


zehra praticienne ayurvéda
Certified Ayurvedic practitioner, Zehra offers Ayurvedic consultations, or specific treatments according to this great Indian tradition of health and longevity. For treatments, call the store: For consultations:
For more information

Vincent Meille

vincent libération du péricarde
Practitioner in liberation of the pericardium, technique developed by Ms. Montserrat-Gascon, Spanish osteopath. by appointment -
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